Have you ever thought about creating your own YouTube channel? Do you know which Nepali YouTube channel makes over 21 Crore per year? This video is a must watch. Everyday we get 100s of requests on our Facebook, Twitters and YouTube accounts regarding recipes, technical how-to and many other topics. This video is first in the series and in coming episodes we will discuss how to create high quality YouTube videos, how to make money (monetize) from YouTube and much more.
Million thanks to our viewers from around the globe. Today I am going to discuss top 10 highly successful youtube channels based out of Nepal. This top 10 Nepali YouTube ranking is based on the data from Google itself. The purpose of this video is to encourage you to share your talents and expertise to the world! Estimated 500 videos are uploaded every minute on YouTube! YouTube is available in 78 languages And the top YouTuber earned estimated 15 millions USD last year. Like other countries, I see the need to have more authentic Nepali contents on YouTube. Here are the top 10 YouTube channels from Nepal:
#10 Taja Khabar TV
#9 ek Channel
#7 ColeWorld
#6 Media Hub Pvt. Ltd
#5 OSR Digital
#4 The Dnshraj
#3 SongsNepal
#2 Budha Subba Digital Pvt Ltd
#1 Nepali YouTube Channel is Music Nepal
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उत्तम नेपाली परिकारहरु बनाउने तरिका Popular Nepali Dish (Authentic) Recipes- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXUWrsCS9QI&list=PLCfCFkNhhqbsScYY8pjR9Z4Ohj–kqtiN
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