Today, I am going to show you how to make “Postpartum Super Food” for new moms, which is also called Sutkeri Masala in its native Nepali language. It is highly nutritious and ultimate homemade health supplement for breastfeeding women. It is generally served after the 11th day of childbirth and during the lactating period to help them recover from the postpartum healing, increase lactation and boost energy. Generally grandmothers prepare this medicine for their daughters and has been passed down from generation to generation. This is centuries old tradition throughout Nepal.
Please watch the entire video to learn about its benefit and complete how-to recipe.
Here are my ingredients, but you can adjust per your taste.
- Edible Gum or Gum Acacia/ Natural Gum (गूंद): 10 oz
- Cinnamon Bark (दालचिनीको बोक्रा): 4 long pieces
- Black Pepper (मरिच): 1 tablespoon
- Cardamom (सुकुमेल): 40 counts
- Cloves (ल्वाङ्ग): 40 counts
- Nutmeg (जाइफल): 1 count
- Fenugreek seeds (मेथीको गेडा): 1 and ½ tablespoons
- Ajwain seeds – (ज्वानो): 1 and ½ tablespoons
- Raisins (दाख वा किशमिस): 5 oz
- Battisaa Powder (बत्तिस्साको धुलो)*: 6 oz
* Powdered mixture of 32 variety of locally available medicinal plants only available in Nepal. You can purchase this in Ason, Kathmandu - Rock sugar chunk (मिश्री): 8 oz
- Walnut (ओखर): 4 oz
- Almond (बदाम): 7 oz
- Cashew (काजु): 7 oz
- Coconut powder (नरिवलको धुलो): 8 oz
- Ghee or clarified butter (घ्यू): (8 oz)- lots of it, but you can always have your own portion.
- Khoa (खुवा): 10 oz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khoa (available at Indian stores)
- Milk (दुध) (1/2 gallon)
नेपालीहरुको मौलिक औसधी मसलाको video मनपराइ दिनु भएकोमा म निक्कैनै आभारी छु | IMPORTANT NOTES: सुत्केरी मसला बनाउँदा नभई नहुने सामग्रीमा नेपाली सूपपनि एक हो | तर यो Video बनाउँदा मसँग त्यो उपलभ्ध थिएन | हजुरहरुले यस Video मा देखाईएका सम्पूर्ण सामग्रीहरुका साथै 4 oz (or 100 grams) नेपाली सूपको धूलोपनि हाल्नु होला
tags Keywords: Postpartum Superfood, post pregnancy nutritional diet after c section, postnatal recipes for healing, Increase and rebuild breast milk supply, high-energy spices and herbs for nursing moms, medicinal herbs to naturally improve lactation in nursing mothers, nutritious supplement for adults, must-have homemade medicine for moms to get back in shape, recovery from pregnancy, Sutkeri Ko Aushadhi Masala, homemade health supplement, vitamins for breastfeeding mothers, traditional Nepali food, sweets from Nepal, Edible Gum, sweets and ingredients from Himalayas, Mishri Paakh, मिश्री पाख, Battissa ko Paakh, बत्तिसा को पाख, Newari language, Phaku Bansa Pakh, फकु बंसा पाख, Pokhuna Jwala, पोखुना ज्वाला, Mishri Pakh Jwala, मिश्री पाख ज्वाला, Pokhuna Washaw, पोखुना वासा औषधी, सुत्केरीको मसला औषधी, Ayurvedic Postpartum, Indian Foods For Postnatal Mothers, PATHIYA SAMAYAL, Urai Marundu, உரை மருந்து, Nutmeg, ஜாதிக்காய், Gall Nuts, மாசிக்காய், Sweet Flag, வசம்பு, 坐月子
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