Nepali rhymes Meow Meow Biralo “म्याउ म्याउ बिरालो” is one of the most popular children’s song (bal geet) from Nepal. Every Nepalese kids grew up singing this song, and even today, its wildly popular. In this episode, Suntali Kanchhi “सुन्तली कान्छी,” a famous Nepali singer sings for news anchors from USA, surprisingly played by Parvati Nepal “पार्वती नेपाल” (cat) and Shiva Nepali “शिव नेपाली” (dog).
Meow Meow Biralo Nepali Kids Rhymes Lyrics in English and Nepali:
- म्याउ म्याउ बिरालो Meow Meow Biralo
यतातिर आऊ Yeta Tira Aau
मेरो नाना काटिदिने Mero Nana Katidine
मुसा मारी खाऊ | Musa Mari Khau. - कराईको बुबु नखाऊ Karahi Ko Bubu Nakhau
म भोकै हुन्छु | Ma Bhokai Hunchhu. - धुरु धुरु रुन्छु Dhuru Dhuru Runchhu
लात्तीले हान्छु Latti Le Hanchhu
चोर बिरालो भन्छु | Chor Biralo Bhanchhu.• Channel Link: http://www.youtube.com/c/VirtualNepali
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तपाईको सब्स्क्रिप्शनले यो च्यानललाई मद्दत गर्छ | धन्यवाद !
keywords: Kukhuri Kaan is a nepali rhyme, nepali child song sana sana, nepali rhymes lyrics, balgeet nepali, nepali song, kids songs, baby song, nepali cat song, nepali baby poems, Phoolka Hami kopila song, नेपाली वाल गीत सँगालो, KA KHA GA Rhymes for Nepali alphabets, Mai chhori sundari – मै छोरी सुन्दरी, Mai chhori sundari kasari bharum pani nepali children song, ka kha ga Rhymes for Nepali alphabets, Tara Bazi Lai Lai song with lyrics, tara baji lailai, Dashain Aayo Song दशैं आयो बाल गीत with lyrics, Old nepali christian children kids song, daure ra bancharo katha
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