We all spend a lot of time protecting our work by inserting password on file, folder, Excel Spreadsheets and much more. But, what can you do if you or your coworker forgets the password and all your work is inaccessible? This happens a lot.
Here is a proven trick to easily unlock or decrypt password protected Excel Sheets. It works on Excel online, Excel 2016 (Office 365), or older version of Excel like 2013 or 2010 files even if you forgot or lost your pin or password. No password crack or decrypting software needed.
Video also shows how to lock Excel sheets. When sharing Excel Worksheets with others within or outside your organization, sometime it becomes necessary to lock the Spreadsheets so other can’t modify or delete contents from your cells within a Excel workbook.
Hope this helps. If you have suggestion for other IT topics, drop-it in comment section of this article or our YouTube channel.
Keywords: How to decrypt excel file 2016, how to remove password from excel file, how do i remove encryption from excel, how to unlock excel sheet for editing, unlock excel file password protected, unlock excel online, how to unprotect excel sheet without password 2007, 2013, 2016, 2018, unlock excel password online free, unprotect excel sheet vba, how to unprotect excel sheet without password 2016, unlock excel file password protected, how to unprotect excel sheet without password 2018, how to unprotect excel 2016 without password, how to unprotect excel sheet without password 2007, unlock excel password online free, forgot excel password 2016, how to crack locked excel file?, how to open password locked Excel file, how to hack locked excel files
Love the video on Excel unlocking file
Great video thank you!
I have interest in this, cheers.