Tags: English to Nepali medical translation, Medical glossary in Nepali, English to Nepali Medical Terminology, English-Nepali Medical terms, Health Information in Nepali
I compiled this comprehensive list of English to Nepali medical translation for one of my test. This information is available “as is” and I cannot guarantee the accuracy nor responsible for any errors due to the use of this information. Please suggest additions, corrections and feedback in the comment section down below. Special thanks to Dr. Parvati Tamang, Ramesh Guragain and Dr. Radha Maharjan
Please suggest any corrections and addition to this list.
English Medical Terms | Medical Terms in Nepali | Medical Terms in Nepali Devnagari Letters | Nepali Medical Type Category |
1st/pointing finger | Choraunla | चोर औंला | Anatomical Structures |
Abdomen | Pet | पेट | Anatomical Structures |
Abdominal | Petko | पेटको | Anatomical Structures |
Anterior/Ventral | Agaadi | अगाडि | Anatomical Structures |
Anus | Maladwar, Guda | मलद्वार, गुदा | Anatomical Structures |
Artery | Dhamani | धमनी | Anatomical Structures |
Back | Dhaad | धाढ | Anatomical Structures |
Bile/Bilious | Pitta | पित्त | Anatomical Structures |
Blood | Ragat | रगत | Anatomical Structures |
Bone | Haddi | हड्डी | Anatomical Structures |
Bone Marrow | Haddi vitra ko ledo | हड्डीको भित्रि लेदो | Anatomical Structures |
Brain/Spinal Cord | Mastiska, Dimaag | मस्तिष्क, दिमाग | Anatomical Structures |
Breast | Stan | स्तन | Anatomical Structures |
Bronchus | Swasphernenali | श्वास फेर्ने नली | Anatomical Structures |
Canal/Channel | Nali | नली | Anatomical Structures |
Chest | Chhaati | छाती | Anatomical Structures |
Covering | Khol | खोल | Anatomical Structures |
Diaphragm | Diaphragm | डायाफ्राम | Anatomical Structures |
Digit/finger/toe | Aunla | औंला | Anatomical Structures |
Ear | Kaan | कान | Anatomical Structures |
Elbow | Kuhino | कुहिनो | Anatomical Structures |
Esophagus/Intestine | Khaanaakonali, Aandra | खानाको नली, आन्द्रा | Anatomical Structures |
Eye | Aankhaa | आँखा | Anatomical Structures |
Face | Anuhaar | अनुहार | Anatomical Structures |
Forehead | Nidhaar | निधार | Anatomical Structures |
Gallbladder | Pittathaili | पित्तथैलो | Anatomical Structures |
Grey Mater | Dimaag ko khairo bhaag | दिमागको खैरो भाग | Anatomical Structures |
Groin | Kamar ra tighra bichko bhaag | कमर र तिध्रा बिचको भाग | Anatomical Structures |
Gums | Gija | गिजा | Anatomical Structures |
Hair | Kapaal, Kesh | कपाल, केश | Anatomical Structures |
Head | Tauko | टाउको | Anatomical Structures |
Heart | Mutu | मुटु | Anatomical Structures |
Joint | Jorni | जोर्नी | Anatomical Structures |
Kidney | Mrigoula | मृगौला | Anatomical Structures |
Knee | Ghunda, Goda | घुंडा, गोडा | Anatomical Structures |
Larynx | Kantha, Swortantra | कण्ठ, स्वरतन्त्र | Anatomical Structures |
Lateral/Outer | Baahiri | बाहिरी | Anatomical Structures |
Lip | Oth | ओठ | Anatomical Structures |
Little/fifth finger | Kaanchiaunla | कान्छी औंला | Anatomical Structures |
Liver | Kalejo | कलेजो | Anatomical Structures |
Lower limb | Khutta | खुट्टा | Anatomical Structures |
Lungs | Phokso | फोक्सो | Anatomical Structures |
Lymph | Lasika | लसीका | Anatomical Structures |
Medial/Inner | Bhitri | भित्री | Anatomical Structures |
Meninges | Mastiska ko khol | मस्तिस्कको खोल | Anatomical Structures |
Milk | Dudh | दूध | Anatomical Structures |
Mind | Man | मन | Anatomical Structures |
Mouth | Mukh | मुख | Anatomical Structures |
Muscle | Maasu | मासु | Anatomical Structures |
Nail | Nangg | नङ्ग | Anatomical Structures |
Neck | Ghaati | घाँटी | Anatomical Structures |
Nerve | Snaayu | स्नायु | Anatomical Structures |
Nipple | Dudhkomunta | दूधको मुन्टा | Anatomical Structures |
Nose | Naak | नाक | Anatomical Structures |
Palm | Hatkela | हत्केला | Anatomical Structures |
Pancreas | Agnyaasaya | अग्न्याशय | Anatomical Structures |
Penis | Linga | लिंग | Anatomical Structures |
Pericardium | Mutukokhol | मुटुको खोल | Anatomical Structures |
Pleura | Phoksokokhol | फोक्सोको खोल | Anatomical Structures |
Posterior/Dorsal | Pachhaadi | पछाडी | Anatomical Structures |
Pupil | Naani | नानी | Anatomical Structures |
Retina | Aankhakopardaa | आखाको पर्दा | Anatomical Structures |
Saliva | Ryaal | राल | Anatomical Structures |
Semen | Birya | बिर्य | Anatomical Structures |
Shoulder | Kum, Kaandh | कुम, काँध | Anatomical Structures |
Skin | Chhaalaa | छाला | Anatomical Structures |
Sole | Paitala | पैताला | Anatomical Structures |
Spine | Merudanda | मेरुदण्ड | Anatomical Structures |
Spleen | Fiyo | फियो | Anatomical Structures |
Sputum | Khakaar, cough | खकार, कफ् | Anatomical Structures |
Stomach | Aaamaasaya, Pet | आमासय, पेट | Anatomical Structures |
Stool | Dishaa | दिशा | Anatomical Structures |
Teeth | Daant | दाँत | Anatomical Structures |
Testis/Ovary | Anda | अन्डा | Anatomical Structures |
Thigh | Tighra | तिध्रा | Anatomical Structures |
Throat | Ghanti, Galaa | घाँटी, गला | Anatomical Structures |
Thumb | Budhiaunla | बूढी औंला | Anatomical Structures |
Thyroid | Thyroid | थाइरोइड | Anatomical Structures |
Tongue | Jibro | जिब्रो | Anatomical Structures |
Tonsil | Kilkile | किलकिले | Anatomical Structures |
Umbilicus | Naaito | नाइटो | Anatomical Structures |
Upper limb | Hath, Haat | हात | Anatomical Structures |
Ureter | Pisaabkonali | पिसाबको नली | Anatomical Structures |
Urethral opening | Mutradwar | मुत्रद्वार | Anatomical Structures |
Urinary bladder | Mutrasaya, Pisaabkothaili | मूत्राशय, पिसाबको थैली | Anatomical Structures |
Urine | Pisaab | पिसाब | Anatomical Structures |
Uvula | Rudraghanti | रुद्रघण्टी | Anatomical Structures |
Vagina | Yoni | योनि | Anatomical Structures |
Vein | Nasaa | नशा | Anatomical Structures |
Wasit/Hip | Kamar | कमर | Anatomical Structures |
White Mater | Dimaag ko seto bhaag | दिमागको सेतो भाग | Anatomical Structures |
Wrist | Naadi | नाडी | Anatomical Structures |
Chicken Pox (Varicella) | Theula | ठेउला | CHILD DISEASES |
Colic | Sui / sola | सुई, सोला | CHILD DISEASES |
Measles | Dådura | दादुरा | CHILD DISEASES |
Mumps (fåresyge) | Hañde rog | हांडे रोग | CHILD DISEASES |
Polio | Poliyo | पोलियो | CHILD DISEASES |
Rubella | Rubella | रूबेला | CHILD DISEASES |
Scarlet fever | Skarlet Jwaro | स्कार्लेट ज्वर | CHILD DISEASES |
Whooping cough | Låhåre khoki | लहरे खोकी | CHILD DISEASES |
Eczema | Dad | दाद | Common Diseases |
Fungus | Fungus | फंगस | Common Diseases |
Scabies | Luto | लुतो | Common Diseases |
Ulcers | Khåtiro / pet-ko gau | खटिरा, पेटको घाउ | Common Diseases |
Anemia | Rakta-alpata | रक्तअल्पता | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Circulatory |
Hypertension | Uchha Rakta Chap, thulo råktachap | उच्च रक्तचाप | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Circulatory |
Myocardial infarction/Heart attack | Hridayaghaat | हृदयघात | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Circulatory |
Acne | Dandiphor | डन्डिफोर | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Dermatologic |
Herpes zoster | Janaikhatira | जनै खटिरा | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Dermatologic |
Leprosy | Kor, kushth rog | कोरी, कुस्ठ, कुष्ठ रोग | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Dermatologic |
Miliaria | Ghamoura | घमौरा | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Dermatologic |
Mole | Kothi | कोठी | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Dermatologic |
Tinea/Ringworm infection/Eczema | Daad | दाद | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Dermatologic |
Vesicles | Paaniphoka | पानी फोका | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Dermatologic |
Vitiligo/Albinism | Dubi | दुबी | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Dermatologic |
Warts/Verruca | Musa | मुसा | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Dermatologic |
Acidity | Amlapitta | अ्म्लापित्त | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Digestive |
Ascariasis/Worm infestation | Juka | जुका | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Digestive |
Belching | Dakar | डकार | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Digestive |
Calculus/Stone disease | Patthari | पत्थरी | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Digestive |
Cholera | Haija | हैजा | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Digestive |
Constipation | Kabjiyat | कब्जियत | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Digestive |
Diarrhea | Pakahala, Jhada pakhala | पखाला | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Digestive |
Gastritis | Gastric | ग्यास्ट्रिक | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Digestive |
Hernia | Harnia | हर्निया | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Digestive |
Indigestion | Ajirna, Apach | अजिर्ण, अपच् | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Digestive |
Jaundice | Kamalpitta, Pandurog | कमलपित्त, पान्डुरोग | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Digestive |
Malnutrition | Kuposhan | कुपोषण | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Digestive |
Piles/Hemorrhoids | Piles, Bawashir | पाइल्स, बवासीर | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Digestive |
Typhoid/Enteric fever | AntarikJwaro, Myadejwar | अन्तर ज्वरो, म्यादेज्वरो | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Digestive |
Vomit | Ulti, Baantagarnu | उल्टी, बान्ता गर्नु | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Digestive |
Diabetes | Madhumeha, chinirog, diabetes | मधुमेह, चिनिरोग, डाईबिटिस | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Endocrine |
Infertility | Baanjhopan | बाँझोपन | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Endocrine |
Cataract | Motibindu | मोतिबिन्दु | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Eye |
Glaucoma | Jalbindu | जलबिन्दु | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Eye |
Internal/external hordeolum or stye | Aan | आनो | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Eye |
Long sightedenss/Hypermetropia | Durdristi | दुरदृश्टि | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Eye |
Nightblindness/Xerophthalmia | Ratandh | रतन्धो | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Eye |
Short sightedness/Myopia | Alpdristi | अल्पदृश्टि | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Eye |
Squint/Strabismus | Dedhopan | डेँढोपन | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Eye |
Dengue | Langadjwar | लङडो ज्वरो | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Infectious |
Filariasis | Hattipaile | हातिपाईले | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Infectious |
Tetanus | Dhanustankar | धनुषटंकार | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Infectious |
Visceral leishmaniasis | Kala-azar | कालाजार | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Infectious |
Arthritis | Gathiya, Bath | गठिया, बाथ | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Musculoskeletal |
Fracture | Haddibhaanchinu | हड्डी भाचिनु | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Musculoskeletal |
Gout/Hyperuricemia | Uricacidksamasya | युरिकएसिड समस्या | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Musculoskeletal |
Osteoarthritis | Haddikhiyinu | हड्डी खियिनु | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Musculoskeletal |
Osteoporosis | Haddi khoklo hunu, Haddi ko ghanatwa kamhunu | हड्डीको घनत्व कम हुनु, हड्डी खोक्लो हुनु | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Musculoskeletal |
Paralysis | Pakshyaghaat | पक्षघात | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Musculoskeletal |
Rheumatoid arthritis | Baathrog | बाथ रोग | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Musculoskeletal |
Sprain | Markanu | मर्कनु | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Musculoskeletal |
Strain | Maasuchyatinu | मासु च्यात्नु | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Musculoskeletal |
Epilepsy | Chaarerog, Mirgi | छारेरोग, मिरगी | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Nervous |
Stroke/Cerebrovascular accident | Mastiskaghaat | मस्तिस्कघात | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Nervous |
Asthma/COPD | Dam | दम | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Respiratory |
Bronchitis | Bronchitis | ब्रोंकाइटिस | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Respiratory |
Common cold/Flu | Rugha | रुघा | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Respiratory |
Cough | Khoki | खोकी | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Respiratory |
Difficulty breathing | Saansphernakathinai | साँसमा कठिनाई | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Respiratory |
Diphtheria | Bhyaguterog | भ्यागुते रोग | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Respiratory |
Pneumonia | Nimoniya, Chhati ko infection | निमोनिया, छातिको इन्फेक्सन | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Respiratory |
Sinusitis | Pinaas | पिनास | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Respiratory |
Sneeze | Haachiyugarnu | हाच्छिउं गर्नु | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Respiratory |
Tuberculosis | Chayarog, "tee-bee" | क्षयरोग, टी बी | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Respiratory |
UTI | Pissabkinfection | पिसाबको इन्फेक्सन | Disease Conditions (रोग)> Urinary |
Accident | Dur Ghatna | दुर्घटना | General Conversation |
Appointment | Neeyukta, Bhetghat ko yojana | नियुक्त | General Conversation |
Are you okay? | K tapai thikai hunu huncha? | के तपाइँ ठीकै हुनुहुन्छ? | General Conversation |
Call a doctor! | Doctor lai bolaunu huss! | डॉक्टरलाई बोलाउनु होस! | General Conversation |
Call the ambulance! | Ambulence bolaunu huss! | एम्बुलेंस बोलाउनु होस! | General Conversation |
Call the police! | Prahari lai bolaunu huss! | प्रहरीलाई बोलाउनु होस! | General Conversation |
Calm down! | Santa hunu hosh! | शांत हुनुहोस! | General Conversation |
Can I help you? | K ma tapailai sahayog garna sakchhu? | के म तपाईंलाई सहयोग गर्न सक्छु? | General Conversation |
Can you help me? | K tapai malai sahayog garna saknu huncha? | के तपाईं मलाई सहयोग गर्न सक्नु हुन्छ? | General Conversation |
Fire! | Aago! | आगो! | General Conversation |
Food poisoning | Khadya Bis | खाद्य बिष | General Conversation |
Help! | Guhar! | गुहार | General Conversation |
I feel sick | Malai sancho chaina jasto lagcha | मलाई सन्चो छैन जस्तो लाग्छ | General Conversation |
I need a doctor | Malai doctor chayio | मलाई डॉक्टर चाहियो | General Conversation |
It hurts here | Yahan dukheko chha | यहाँ दुखेको छ | General Conversation |
It’s urgent! | Tyo jaruri cha | त्यो जरुरी छ | General Conversation |
Run! | Bhagnu hosh! | भाग्नु होस ! | General Conversation |
Stop! | Roka! | रोक! | General Conversation |
Thief! | Chor! | चोर! | General Conversation |
Watch out! (or: be alert!) | Sawadhan! | सावधान! | General Conversation |
Where is the closest pharmacy? | Yaha ko najikai ko pharmacy (ausahhi pasal) kaha cha? | यहाँको नजिकैको फार्मेसी (औसधि पसल) कहाँ छ? | General Conversation |
You will be okay! | Tapai lai thikai huncha | तपाईंलाई ठीक हुन्छ | General Conversation |
A&E ‘Accident & Emergency’ Centre | Durghatana, Akashmik Kendra | दुर्घटना, अकश्मिक केन्द्र | General Medical Terms |
Abnormal | Asamanya | असामान्य | General Medical Terms |
Abortion | Garvapat | गर्भपात | General Medical Terms |
Abrasion | Kotariyeko | कोतारिएको | General Medical Terms |
Abrupt | Akasmit | आकस्मित | General Medical Terms |
Abscess | Pilo | पिलो | General Medical Terms |
Abscess | Peep | पीप | General Medical Terms |
Absorption | Sosnu | सोस्नु | General Medical Terms |
Abstinence | Samyam,Parhej | संयम, परहेज | General Medical Terms |
Abuse | Durupayog, Durbevahar | दुरुपयोग, दुर्रव्यवहार | General Medical Terms |
Access | Pahunch | पहुँच | General Medical Terms |
Agony | Bedana, Pida | वेदना/पीड़ा/कष्ट | General Medical Terms |
Allergies / allergy | Alergy | एलार्ज़ी | General Medical Terms |
Ambiguous Genitalia | Aspasta Janandriya | अस्पष्ट जननेंद्रिय, अस्पष्ट जननांग | General Medical Terms |
Ambulance | Ambulance | एम्बुलेन्स | General Medical Terms |
Anaesthetist | Behosh banaune bisesagya | बेहोश बनाउने विशेषज्ञ | General Medical Terms |
Aspiration | Akansha | आकांक्षा | General Medical Terms |
Aura / Inneractive | Aura | औरा / इनरएक्टिव | General Medical Terms |
Autoclave | Nipidtapak | निपीडतापक/निपीड-पात्र | General Medical Terms |
Back ache/ pain | Dhadh dukhnu | ढाड दुख्नु | General Medical Terms |
Blood test | Rakta Janch, Rakta Paricyan | रक्त जाँच, रक्त परिक्षण | General Medical Terms |
Bone ache | Haddi Dukhai | हड्डी दुखाई | General Medical Terms |
Bruise | Nilo dam, Ghau lagnu | निलो डाम, निलो हुनु, घाउ लाग्नु | General Medical Terms |
Cachexia | Tshinta, Rugna awastha, Kamjori | क्षीणता (दु:साध्य या दीर्घकालीन रोगबाट उत्पन्न रुग्ण अवस्था), कमजोरी | General Medical Terms |
Cardio respiratory | Mutu ra swas sambandhi | मुटु र स्वास सम्बन्धी | General Medical Terms |
Cardio vascular | Mutu ra ragat sambandhi | मुटु र रगत सम्बन्धी | General Medical Terms |
Chemical Additive | Yyojya rasayan | योज्य रसायन | General Medical Terms |
Chromosome | GuNSootra | गुणसुत्र | General Medical Terms |
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | Chirkaalik Avrodhak Fuffusiya Roog | दीर्घकालीन अवरोधक फुफ्फुसीय रोग | General Medical Terms |
Clinical Visit | Chikitsa Jach | चिकित्सा-जांच | General Medical Terms |
Cold / a chill | Sardi, Chiso | चिसो, शर्दी | General Medical Terms |
Cramp | Markinu | मर्किनु | General Medical Terms |
Craving To Eat Things That Are Not Food (Called A Pica), Such As Ice Or Clay | Paustik nabhayeko khane bani, mato khane | पौष्टिकता केही नभएका खाने कुरा खान मन लाग्नु जस्तै माटो, बरफ | General Medical Terms |
Cystic Fibrosis | Putiya TantumaytA | पुटीय तंतुमयता | General Medical Terms |
Debridement | Ghau Sodhan | घाऊ शोधन | General Medical Terms |
Dental clinic | Dant upachar klinik | दाँत उपचार क्लिनिक | General Medical Terms |
Diagnosis | Rog nidan | रोग निदान | General Medical Terms |
Dosage | Matra | मात्रा | General Medical Terms |
Double-blind | Dubai pashya agyat bhayeko | दुबै पछ अज्ञात भएको | General Medical Terms |
Dysentery | Aaun | आउँ | General Medical Terms |
Dyslipidemia | लिपिड या वसा असंतुलन / डिस्लिपिडेमिया | General Medical Terms | |
Dysmenorrhea | डिस्मेनोरिया | General Medical Terms | |
E.N.T. (Ears, Nose and Throat) Department | E N T Kan nak ra ghati bivag | इ. न. टी. कान नाक र घाँटी विभाग | General Medical Terms |
Ear ache | Kan dukhne | कान दुखने | General Medical Terms |
Ehrlichiosi | एर्लिकियोसिस | General Medical Terms | |
Emergency medicine | Akasmik Chikitsa | आकस्मिक चिकित्सा | General Medical Terms |
Emphysema | वातस्फीति | General Medical Terms | |
Endorphins | ऐंडोर्फ़िन | General Medical Terms | |
Enlargement of liver | KalejoBadnuwasunninu | कलेजो बढ्नु वा सुन्निनु | General Medical Terms |
Epistaxis | Nak bata Ragat Aunu | नाकबाट रगत आउनु | General Medical Terms |
Family doctor | Pariwarik dacktur, Samanya upachar ko daktar | पारिवारिक डाक्टर | General Medical Terms |
Feelings | Anubhuti, Bichar | अनुभूति, विचार | General Medical Terms |
Fibromyalgia | फ़ाइब्रोमयाल्जिया | General Medical Terms | |
Flu / influenza | Ruga khoki | रुगा खोकी | General Medical Terms |
Follicular Phase | कूपिक/पुटकीय चरण | General Medical Terms | |
Follow Up | Dosro jach, Mulyankan | दोस्रो जाँच वा मुल्याँकन | General Medical Terms |
Food poisoning | Khana ko bisadi | खानाको विषादी | General Medical Terms |
General practitioner [‘family doctor’] | Pariwarik dacktur, Samanya upachar ko daktar | पारिवारिक डाक्टर, सामान्य उपचारको डाक्टर | General Medical Terms |
Giddiness | RingataLagnu | रिंगटा लाग्नु | General Medical Terms |
Good appetite / poor appetite | Khana ma ruchi / Khana ma aruchi | खानामा रुची, खानामा अरुची | General Medical Terms |
Headache | Tauko dukhnu | टाउको दुख्नु | General Medical Terms |
Hematopoietic System | Raktopadak pradali | रक्तोत्पादक प्रणाली | General Medical Terms |
High and low mood fluctuation (Bipolar) | Jhino lagnu, mood kharab hunu | झिनो लाग्नु, मूड खराब हुनु | General Medical Terms |
High temperature / fever | Uchha tap or Uchha tapman, jaro | उचा ताप,उच्च तापमान, ज्वरो | General Medical Terms |
Hospital consultant | Aspatalko sallahkar, Aspatalko Consultant | अस्पतालको सल्लाहकार, अस्पतालको कोन्सलटेन्ट | General Medical Terms |
Hyperacidity | Amalpitta | अमलपित्त | General Medical Terms |
Hypnosis | Sammohan | सम्मोहन | General Medical Terms |
Impotence | Napunsakta | नपुंसकता | General Medical Terms |
In-patient | Antaranga birami | अन्तरंग विरामी | General Medical Terms |
In-vitro | Antapatra | अंतः पात्र | General Medical Terms |
Intensive-care medicine | Intensive Care Chikitsa | ईन्टेन्सिभ केयर चिकित्सा | General Medical Terms |
Internal medicine | Antarik Chikitsa | आन्तरिक चिकित्सा | General Medical Terms |
Lethargy / tiredness | Thakawat, alashyata | थकावट, आलश्यता | General Medical Terms |
Locum (visiting or trainee doctor) | Talime doctor | तालिमे डाक्टर | General Medical Terms |
Low energy | Kamjori, kam sakti, tshyan hunu | कमजोरी, कम शक्ति, क्षण हुनु | General Medical Terms |
Low mood | Dikdar lagnu | दिक्दार लागनु, मूड नहुनु | General Medical Terms |
Medical Termination Of Pregnancy | Grabhapat | गर्भपात | General Medical Terms |
Medicine | Chikitsa sastra | चिकित्साशास्त्र | General Medical Terms |
Meningomyelocele | मेनिंगोमाइलोसील | General Medical Terms | |
Mental Health Placeholder | Manasik swasthya sthandharak | मानसिक स्वास्थ्य स्थानधारक / मानसिक स्वास्थ्य प्लेसहोल्डर | General Medical Terms |
Microsleeps | Sukshma nidra | सुक्ष्म निद्रा | General Medical Terms |
Non Perishable | Abikari, Abinashi | अविकारी, अविनाशी | General Medical Terms |
Non Sensitive | Sambedanrahit, Asambedanshil | संवेदनरहित, असंवेदनशील | General Medical Terms |
Nurse | Paricharika, nurse | परिचारिका, नर्स | General Medical Terms |
Nurse | Paricharika | परिचारिका | General Medical Terms |
Occupational medicine | Occupational Chikitsa | अकुपेसनल् चिकित्सा | General Medical Terms |
Omphalocele | Nabhi-Hernia | नाभि-हर्निया | General Medical Terms |
Oral Anticoagulant (OACs) | Mukhbata line ragat patalo banaune aushadhi | मुखबाट लिने रगत पातलो बनाउने औषधि | General Medical Terms |
Out-patient | Bahiranga birami | बहिरंग विरामी | General Medical Terms |
Paediatrician | Balrog bisesagya | बालरोग विशेषज्ञ | General Medical Terms |
Pain | Pida, bedana, dukhai | पिडा, वेदना, दुखाइ | General Medical Terms |
Patency | Anawarudhata | अनवरुद्धता | General Medical Terms |
Patient | Birami | विरामी | General Medical Terms |
Peptic ulcer / gastric ulcer | Gastrik, Peptik Alcer | ग्यास्ट्रिक, पेप्तिक अल्सर | General Medical Terms |
Perspiration | Pasina aunu | पसीना आउनु | General Medical Terms |
Perspiration | Pasina | पसिना | General Medical Terms |
Pharmacist | Ausadhi bigya | औसधि बिज्ञ | General Medical Terms |
Pharmacy | Ausadhi pasal, Farmaci | औसधि पसल, फार्मेसी | General Medical Terms |
Platelet | BimbANu | बिम्बाणु | General Medical Terms |
Poor sleep | Nindra nalagnu | निंद्रा नलाग्नु | General Medical Terms |
Poor sleep / good sleep pattern | Anindra, Ramro nidra | अनिन्द्रा, राम्रो निद्रा | General Medical Terms |
Pregnancy | Garvaawastha | गर्भाअवस्था | General Medical Terms |
Premature Ejaculation | Shigra birya patan | शीघ्र विर्य पतन | General Medical Terms |
Prescription | Upachar purja, ausadhi lekheko kagaz | उपचार पुर्जा, औषधी लेखिएको कागज | General Medical Terms |
Prescription | Upachar purja | उपचार पुर्जा | General Medical Terms |
Preventative medicine | Rog nirodhan | रोगनिरोधन | General Medical Terms |
Psychotropic | Manprabhavi Ausadhi | मन:प्रभावी औषधि | General Medical Terms |
Randomise trial | Aniyamit parishyan | अनियमित परीक्षण | General Medical Terms |
Renal Diseases | Pathari | पत्तथरी | General Medical Terms |
Restless | Chatpataunu, Bechaini | छटपटाउनु, बेचैन | General Medical Terms |
Restless feelings | Chatpati, asamyam | छटपटी, असंयम | General Medical Terms |
Sanitary Napkins | Sanitary pad | सैनिटरी पैड | General Medical Terms |
Sexual intercourse | Youn sampark | योन सम्पर्क | General Medical Terms |
Sick feeling / nausea | Kamjori, Ringata lagnu | कमजोरी, रिंगटा लागनु | General Medical Terms |
Skin Reaction | Chalama wa twacha ma pratikriya | छाला (त्वाचा) मा प्रतिक्रिया | General Medical Terms |
Snippets | Jhalak | झलक | General Medical Terms |
Sore throat | Ghanti dukhne, Ghati basne | घाँटी दुख्ने, घाँटी बस्ने | General Medical Terms |
Specialist doctor | Bisesagya Daktar | विशेषज्ञ डाक्टर | General Medical Terms |
Stomachache/Pain in stomach | Pet Dukhnu | पेट दुख्नु | General Medical Terms |
Stool Log | Mal/ dishako record | मल वा दिशाको रेकर्ड | General Medical Terms |
Stressed / anxious feelings | Tanab, Jharko lagne | तनाब, झर्को लाग्ने | General Medical Terms |
Surgeon | Salyakriya bisesagya | शल्यक्रिया विशेषज्ञ | General Medical Terms |
Symptoms | Lakshyanharu | लक्षणहरू | General Medical Terms |
Teaspoonful | Chiya chamchabhari | चिया चम्चाभरी | General Medical Terms |
Testicles | Andakosh | अण्डकोष | General Medical Terms |
Tooth ache | Danth dukhnu | दाँत दुख्नु | General Medical Terms |
Triple dummy study | Pratirupi | प्रतिरूपी | General Medical Terms |
Ulcer | Alcer, Ulcer | अल्सर | General Medical Terms |
Visiting / district Nurse | Jillaki Nurse | जिल्लाकी नर्स | General Medical Terms |
Visiting times | Birami bhetne samay | विरामी भेट्ने समय | General Medical Terms |
Visitor | Birami bhetne manchhe | विरामी भेट्ने मान्छे | General Medical Terms |
Visitor / visiting times | Agantuk, Birami Bhetne samay | आगन्तुक, विरामी भेट्ने समय | General Medical Terms |
Waiting Room | Kurne kotha, Pratikshya Kotha, Pratikshyalaya | कुर्ने कोठा, प्रतिक्षा कक्ष, प्रतीक्षालय | General Medical Terms |
Warms | PetkoKira, Juka | पेटको किरा, जुका | General Medical Terms |
Wellness (medicine) | Swasthya | स्वास्थ्य | General Medical Terms |
White Blood Count (WBC) | Swet rakta kanika janch, swet rakta kandikako sankhya | श्वेत रक्त कणिका जाँच, श्वेत रक्त कणिकाको संख्या | General Medical Terms |
Chin Up | Hausala badanu | हौसला बनाउनु | Health Care |
Closed process | Banda prakriya | बंद प्रक्रिया | Health Care |
Depression | Udashinta | उदासीनता | Health Care |
Genotoxic / pre-neoplastic lesions | Jin-abisalu | जीन-आविषालु | Health Care |
Global Best Practice | Biswabyapi sarbotam padhati/prakriya/pratha/karya/byabahar | विश्वव्यापी सर्वोत्तम पद्धति/प्रक्रिया/प्रथा/कार्य/व्यवहार | Health Care |
Ovarian Cancer | Andasayako Cancer | अंडाशयको क्यान्सर | Health Care |
Pill mill | Dukhai niwaranko aushadhi anumatibina bechne clinic, pill mill | दुखाई निवारणको औषधी अनुमति बिना बेच्ने क्लिनिक, पिल मिल | Health Care |
Screening ID | Daktari jach pahichanpatra/Paritsyan pahichanpatra | डाक्टरी जाँच पहिचानपत्र/परीक्षण पहिचानपत्र | Health Care |
Vectors | Rog failaune jibjantu | रोग फैलाउने जीव-जंतु | Health Care |
Wash out period | Rogilai diyeko sabai aushadhi sarirbata niskashit hune abadhi | रोगीलाई दिएको सबै औषधि शरीरबाट निष्कासित हुने अवधि | Health Care |
2-generation reproductive toxicity study | Dui pidiko prajanan abishalu adhyanan | २-पीढ़ीको प्रजनन आविषालुता अध्ययन | Health Care |
Biohazard | Jaiwik khatara | जैविक खतरा | Medical Instruments |
medical implants | Chikitsiye Nirop | चिकित्सीय निरोप | Medical Instruments |
Meningitis | Mastishkå jaro | मस्तिष्क ज्वरो | OTHER MAJOR DISEASES |
Abscess/Suppuration/Pus collection | Peep jamma hunu | पीप जम्मा हुनु | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Acute | Tibra | तीव्र | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Alcohol | Raksi, JandorMadira | रक्सी, जाँड, मदिरा | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Allergy/Anaphylaxis | Allergy | एलर्जी | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Aplasia/Agenesis | Bikashnahunu | बिकास नहुनु | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Atrophy | Apakshya, Suknu | अपक्षय, सुक्नु | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Biopsy | Maasukojaanch | मासुको जांच | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Cancer/Carcinoma | Arbud rog, cancer | अर्बुद रोग, क्यान्सर | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Cell | Koshika | कोसिका | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Chronic | Purano | पुरानो | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Cigarette | Churot | चुरोट | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Congenital | Janmajaat | जन्मजात | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Cyanosis/Bluish | Nilo | नीलो | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Cyst | Foka | फोका | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Discharge | Fohorpaani | फोहोर पानी | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Ecchymosis/Bruise/Hematoma | Ragatjamnu | रगत जम्नु | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Effusion | Paanijammahunu | पानी जम्मा हुनु | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Embolus/Clot | Thakka | थक्का | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Etiology/Cause | Kaaran | कारण | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Failure | Raamro kaam nagarnu | राम्रो काम नगर्नु | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Fever | Jwaro | ज्वरो | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Fistula | Fistula | अङ्गमा पर्ने अनावश्यक प्वाल | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Fluid | Paani | पानी | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Granuloma | Kanikagulma | कणिकागुल्म | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Hereditary | Bangshanugat | वंशानुगत | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Infarction/Necrosis/Gangrene | Marnu | मर्नु | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Infection | Sankraman | संक्रमण | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Inflammation/Edema/Swelling | Sunninu | सुनिंनु | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Ischemia | Ragatnapugnu | रगत नपुग्नु | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Itching/pruritus | Chilaunu | चिलाउनु | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Jaundice/Yellowish | Pahelo | पहेलो | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Microorganism | Jibaanu, Bisaanu | जीवाणु, विषाणु | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Pallor | Fikka | फिक्का | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Red/Erythema | Raato | राता | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Tobacco | Khaini | खैनी | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Tumor/Growth/Papilloma | Gaantho, Girkho | गांठो, गिर्खो | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Wound/Ulceration/Erosion | Ghaau | घाउ | Pathological Processes and Terms |
Bioavailability | Jaib Upalabdhata | जैव-उपलब्धता | Pharmaceuticals Terms |
Bioequivalence | Jaiwa samatulyeta, Jaiwa samanata | जैव-समतुल्यता, जैव-समानता | Pharmaceuticals Terms |
Creating Shared Value | Sajha mulya nirman | साझा मूल्य निर्माण | Pharmaceuticals Terms |
Double Blinded | Dohoro gopaniyeta bhayeko | दोहोरो गोपनीयता भएको | Pharmaceuticals Terms |
Informed consent | Jankariko sath sahamati | जानकारीको साथ सहमति | Pharmaceuticals Terms |
Informed consent | Jankari ka saath sahamati | जानकारीका साथ सहमति | Pharmaceuticals Terms |
Initiate | Arambha | आरम्भ | Pharmaceuticals Terms |
Open lable | Khulla label wala | खुल्ला लेबल वाला | Pharmaceuticals Terms |
Penicillin | Penicillin | पेनिसिलिन | Pharmaceuticals Terms |
Screening | Janch | स्क्रीनिंग, आरंभिक जाँच, आरंभिक परीक्षण | Pharmaceuticals Terms |
Spasticity | Asamanye rupma mashu kassine, kathorta, tanninu | असमान्य रुपमा मांसु कस्सिने, कठोरता, तानिनु | Pharmaceuticals Terms |
Stroke | Stroke | स्ट्रोक | Pharmaceuticals Terms |
Absorption | Absoshan | अवशोषण | Physiological Terms |
Accumulate/Collect | Jamma | जम्मा | Physiological Terms |
Acidic | Amliya | अम्लीय | Physiological Terms |
Active/Inactive or Passive | Sakriya, Niskriya | सक्रिय, निष्क्रिय | Physiological Terms |
Alkali | Chyaar | क्षार | Physiological Terms |
Blood pressure | Raktachaap | रक्तचाप | Physiological Terms |
Enzyme | Enzyme | इन्जाइम | Physiological Terms |
Pulse/Heart beat | Dhuk dhuki, dhadkan | ढुकढुकी, घड्कन | Physiological Terms |
Respiration | Saas | सास | Physiological Terms |
Stimulate/Inhibit | Protsaahit, Nisedh | प्रोत्साहित, निषेध | Physiological Terms |
Temperature | Taapmaan | तापमान | Physiological Terms |
High Blood Pressure | Uchha Rakta Chap | उच्च रक्तचाप, उचा ताप | Physiological Terms |
Low Blood Pressure | Nimna rakta chap, Nyun rakta chap | निम्न रक्तचाप, न्युन रक्तचाप | Physiological Terms |
Cast/Slab | Plaster, Dhalaan | प्लास्टर, धलान | Treatment Modalities (उपचार) |
Incision/Excision | Chirne | चिर्ने | Treatment Modalities (उपचार) |
Medication/Medicine | Ausadhi | औषधी | Treatment Modalities (उपचार) |
Needle | Suii | सुई | Treatment Modalities (उपचार) |
Radiotherapy | Sekne | सेक्ने | Treatment Modalities (उपचार) |
Surgery | Salyakriya, Operation | सल्यक्रिया, अपरेसन | Treatment Modalities (उपचार) |
Hepatitis | Hepatitis | हेपाटाईटिस | Tropical Diseases |
Jaundice (gulsot) | Kåmål pittå / (same) | कमल पित्त, जॉन्डिस | Tropical Diseases |
Malaria | Aulo, maleria | औलो, मलेरिया | Tropical Diseases |
Typhoid | Åtisar jaro | अतिसार ज्वरो | Tropical Diseases |
Spirit / presence of mind | Satho Gayecha / Saato Jaanu / sattvaam | सातो गएछ / सातो जानु / सत्त्वाम (Sanskrit) | General Medical |
Shaman / Shamanism / Spirit Healing | Dhami / Jhākri / Jhakri / Jhankri | धामी / झाँक्री | General Medical |
Keywords: English-Nepali Medical Glossary, English – Nepali Medical and Practical Terms, English to Nepali Medical Terminology, Medical Terminology.(English To Nepali), nepali words list, medical glossary in nepali, nepali medical vocabulary, nepali pilo in english, disease terms in Nepali, Nepali medical terms Flashcards, nepali medical term in english, medical terms in Nepali to english, english to nepali words meaning, english to nepali translation
It’s helpful
सामान्य रोगहरूको औषधिको अङ्ग्रेजी र नेपाली नामाकरण शब्दकोश एप्स अथवा अनलाइन बाट डाक्टरले कुन रोगको औषधि दिएको हो त्यो खोजेर थाहाँ पाउने एप्स अथवा अनलाइन काे विकास गर्नु पर्यो सर नेपालमा।
सामान्य लेखपढ गरेकोले पनि मैले यो औषधि सेवन गरेको छु भनेर थाहा पाउन सजिलो होवस् भन्ने मेरो विचार हो।
I agree Sagar ji. That is a lot of work but will definitely help everyone.
लिम्फोसार्कोमा अफ ईन्टेस्टाइन् छैन ?
Sarad ji, There is no exact meaning of lymphosarcoma of intestine in Nepali or Hindi. Lymphosarcoma is a type of cancer. But this is the closest terms- आन्द्राको क्यानसर “Andra ko Cancer” in Nepali and आँतका कैंसर “Aant ka cancer” in Hindi. This disease were made known by two popular Hindi movies Anand (1971) and Munna Bhai, MBBS (2003). Hope this helps.
This is Great.
Great. I looked everywhere for a English Nepali Medical terms and this is the most comprehensive. Thank you so much!
This is great