डि. भी. लटरी 2019 | के नेपालीले भर्न पाईन्छ त ? Diversity Visa (DV) lottery 2019 registration breaking news! Are you going to try your luck this year? There is a talk about ending the DV program within the U.S. Congress representatives and even by the US president… if you have ever thought about applying or wanted to immigrate to US of America, you shouldn’t miss this chance.
The Diversity Immigrant Visa (DV) program, also known as the Green Card lottery program will start again in October this year. Since it’s start in 1990, every year 50,000 qualified immigrants are selected from around the globe to immigrate to the United States. There are few countries that are not eligible to apply. U.S. Government’s official site to learn more about this process, how-to register, please go here- https://travel.state.gov/content/visas/en/immigrate/diversity-visa/instructions.html
DV 2019 को अन्तिम मिति अब आउने बुधवार हो | DV Lottery Deadline: Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 12:00 noon, Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT-4).
Nepali ma step-by-step instruction, FAQs: https://travel.state.gov/content/dam/visas/Diversity-Visa/DV-Instructions-Translations/DV-2019-Instructions-Translations/DV-2019-NEPALI.pdf
Good luck! Again, DV Lottery नभरे पर्दे पर्देन तर भरेमा पर्न सक्छ | 👍
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Very helpful eDV lottery information.